Proactive Bearing Condition Monitoring

When talking of rotating machinery, the health of bearings is crucial. A failure in this key component can lead to costly downtime and significant operational disruptions.

IMAnalytics offers an advanced solution to this challenge. Our vibration monitoring system is specifically designed to detect the earliest signs of bearing wear, allowing for timely interventions.

This proactive approach not only prevents unexpected machinery failures but also optimises maintenance schedules, ensuring your operations run smoothly without unwanted interruptions. 

At IMAnalytics, we utilize high-frequency vibration monitoring to detect faults at an early stage, when they are still microscopic.

This early detection provides time to react.

Being proactive save both time and cost

A failure in a bearing can lead to costly downtime and significant operational disruptions.

Keep your bearing running

Bearing failures rank among the most common issues in rotating machinery. Such failures can abruptly halt operations, leading to complete machine breakdowns, process shutdowns, and significant production and financial losses. This highlights the critical need for effective bearing condition monitoring, a key focus area of IMAnalytics.

At IMAnalytics, we utilize high-frequency vibration monitoring to detect faults at an early stage, when they are still microscopic. This early detection provides time to react. Faults like wear, cracks, and flakes initially showed in high-frequency vibrations, later expanding into lower frequencies as the condition becomes worse. 

With IMAnalytics, early fault indicators in bearings are detected. Our system continuously tracks the trend of any calculated value and sets necessary thresholds.

You gain access to advanced analysis tools anytime, anywhere, reducing the need for frequent manual inspections. This not only buys time for planned reactions while also increasing the effectivity of operational activities.

Based on the monitored metrics, we can detect:

  • Ball Pass frequency of outer ring BPFO
  • Ball Pass frequency of inner ring BPFI
  • Fundamental train frequency FTF
  • ball spin frequency BSP
  • Temperature changes
  • Lubrication status
  • Misalignment
  • Looseness

Examples of monitored metrics in a bearing

  • Vibration
  • RPM
  • Temperature(s)